
Walk On Water…


So…it is Day 5 of my cleanse and still sticking with it – Yay Me!

I will be posting more about the other items in my cleanse…but today I just have to talk about my Jesus!  Today was an emotional day for me…for many reasons…but I started my morning out at church to worship my wonderful savior!!!

When the Pastor started his sermon and said he was going to be talking about WATER…I thought to myself “hmm…well this message might not be for me today”…and feeling a little disappointed lol…

I really have no idea why I ever even have that thought…because when I am in need…God ALWAYS delivers a message through my Pastor that is “for me”!!!  My hubby and I are at a place in our lives where we have a plan…quite different from some…we are downsizing with a goal of getting completely out of debt…We want time freedom and financial freedom to be able to completely enjoy life and be completely available to the calling God has on our lives (before the normal retirement age)…my job offers that in a very short time period and we are on our way there!

In working towards that goal…it takes HUGE sacrifices up front…like driving old used cars instead of financing a really nice one and having that payment…and currently our biggest sacrifice being our home…We are currently in the process of downsizing there as well and moving onto our 22 acres of land we have.  Sometimes…it gets hard 🙂 really hard…and this morning was one of those times…and I was “looking at the wind”…


Matthew 14:22-33

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,”they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,”he said, “why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

It is all about just “keeping our eyes on Jesus” and not on the “wind”…

Until next time…Happy Oiling!!!


I just took 7 pills…..


Yes! SEVEN pills…

For those of you who know me very well…you know that swallowing ONE pill is just horrific for me! Crazy, right??? Yeah probably so 🙂 but unfortunately I have been that way my entire life…

There comes a time though when you listen closely enough to your body to hear your “immune system” literally screaming at you! That time is NOW for me.  Our immune systems require support and even as a Health Coach…life gets in the way and although I own all the knowledge to do the “right thing” to support my immune system…that is not always the case!

The crud hit our home over a month ago with my son and slowly worked it’s way throughout our entire family.  As always we utilized our gifts we have in our Essential Oils and gave support to all the body systems that needed it from the comfort of our home with NO toxins – a true blessing!

By the time it got around to me…well let’s just say I had some MAJOR stressors going on and unfortunately stress takes a huge toll on our immune systems…so I was down for the count…I had to really give in to my body and rest and give it the support it needed for a while 🙂 Due to being a Wellness Advocate for  Essential Oils and the way my job works…I was fortunate to be able to do just that!!! Now THAT is a blessing in itself…

So fast forward a couple weeks and God is moving in our lives big time with some things we have been just waiting on His timing for – which is wonderful, however still can bring on some stressors…so I knew I felt I was getting sick AGAIN…so I scanned myself last night with my amazing Zytoscanner and sure enough it showed 47 biomarkers out of 76 out of normal range for my body.  Not good for me as my numbers are never that high…

After planning to do a 30 day cleanse back in January and failing to do so (mainly the whole crazy swallowing pills issue lol)…I have heard the screaming of my immune system this morning and I am answering that call starting TODAY!

I will be blogging more each day about this journey and what I am actually doing…so stay tuned 🙂


What are Essential Oils???

Well…I am SO glad you asked!!!

For me I can sum them up in 2 words – “God’s Medicine”…

These amazing little gifts were placed here by our heavenly Father 🙂 He created the plants and the trees and equipped them with their own protection mechanism which is the plant’s Essential Oil.  It protects the plant from bacteria, viruses, fungus and so much more!

Essential Oils are aromatic compounds that come from plants – they can come from the stems, the bark, the flowers, the leaves, etc…

Have you ever crumbled a peppermint leaf in your hand??? That distinct aroma you smell at that moment is the Essential Oil 🙂

In addition to their amazing benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Modern scientific study and trends toward more holistic approaches to wellness are driving a revival and new discovery of essential oil health applications.

Check out our calender and attend one of our live classes to get hands on experience with these Gifts from God!!!

Happy Oiling!!!


Priceless Peace of Mind…


Busy weekend…..wonderful full day in the big city teaching 2 Essential Oil Classes with my Atlanta Girls!!!  Love getting to spend time with them!

Last week my 20 year old got the stomach bug – YUCK!

He started vomiting and we immediately used a Digestive System Support Essential Oil on his stomach…after a few hours he vomited again…so I did a Zyto scan on him as I was unsure if we were dealing with something he ate or some type of virus???

One oil showed up for him which was one for Immune Support – our go to for Viral issues as it contains Cinnamon and other oils which are helpful in supporting the body to fight off viral infections 🙂

Wow! What peace of mind…He never got out of bed and I never had to leave my home…no co-pay, no nothing!!! Just simple oils 🙂


Do not miss your opportunity to get a FREE 15 ml bottle of Frankincense ($93 retail) with this amazing Home Essentials Kit …AND get the awesome Diffuser too!!!!

Be empowered to handle anything that comes across YOUR family!!!

Call me and place your order over the phone – takes about 5 minutes and arrive in 2 days!!!

ALSO…Ask me how you can get an additional $100 in FREE oils!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you would like the peace of mind that comes with a Zytoscanner also – here is a link where you can get your OWN!!! Always have it available for your family or friends – do it for free or charge a fee 🙂


“Priceless Peace of Mind”


Citrus Bliss and Peppermint Scrubs for Christmas!!!


Cute little scrubs for Christmas that smell heavenly 🙂

Super super easy to make!!!

Here is the recipe I used 🙂

1/2 Cup Sugar

1/2 Cup Grape seed Oil (can use fractionated Coconut Oil – Just did not have any!!!)

10 Drops of your favorite Essential Oil

Mix ingredients and fill your cute containers!!!

That’s it 🙂





So…it is a cold day in Georgia 🙂 and a very lazy day around our home!!! We received our new essential oil diffuser  yesterday and are loving it…It is the new one – the “Petal” and I am shocked at the amount it puts out.

So last night we tried Serenity and Breathe (for the hubby’s snoring) in it and put it on our headboard before going to bed and set it for four hours…WONDERFUL!!! I slept all night and so did he and guess what??? I heard NO snoring lol 🙂 that alone is worth the $47…

So my first choice this morning was “Holiday” blend and what a FUN blend it is!

It smells heavenly and just so fun for this time of the year!!! So the hubby wanted to try a different one after four hours of that one…so on to Citrus – just an all time favorite, right???

Hubby has been asleep for hours now…both Poms passed out as well 🙂 Love lazy days like this to just recuperate from busy lives!

I am seriously thinking about the “Cuddle Blend” listed above and maybe a movie for tonight!!!

Love my oils…Love my life 🙂

Daily - Essential Oils

Today’s – Essential Oils

Want to save money on your favorite oils?
Want to become a healer in your own home?
Are you interested in learning more about partnering with me and becoming a Wellness Advocate?

I’m adding to my team! We’re a fast growing team and I’m looking for special people to join me in creating the future of our dreams! Take action by TOMORROW and I’ve got a special bonus for you!

Send me a message and let’s get started!

Whether you are interested in saving money on your favorite oils or building a business that is passionate to you...Wellness Advocates on my team are changing lives!!!
Whether you are interested in saving money on your favorite oils or building a business that is passionate to you…Wellness Advocates on my team are changing lives!!!